Heaven was only half as far ; World is a beautiful place ; Reading Yeats I do not think / Lawrence Ferlinghetti --
Homecoming of love amongst illustrious ruins / Rafael Alberti --
Madrigal / Nicolas Guillen --
Poem (I remember you as you were) / Pablo Neruda --
Weeping / Frederico Garcia Lorca --
Meditation for this day / Antonio Machado --
State of the nation ; Pastoral ; Street corner college ; Body beside the ties ; Origin of baseball / Kenneth Patchen --
from Howl, part II (what sphinx of cement) ; Footnote to howl / Allen Ginsberg --
Analogue ; A la une ; Matins and lauds ; Multipara : gravida ; Rockefeller the center / Marie Ponsot --
Gypsy's window ; People at night / Denise Levertov --
Kora in Hell, selections / William Carlos Williams --
Ode to Coit tower / Gregory Corso --
Pater noster ; Familial ; Last supper ; Quartier libre ; Discourse on peace / Jacques Prevert, translated by Lawrence Ferlinghetti --
Among my friends ; Sleep is a deep and many voiced flood ; Drinking fountain / Robert Duncan --
Death fugue / Paul Celan --
Homesick / Helmut Heissenbuttel --
Held back, like a bow drawn tight / Walter Hollerer --
In the woods / Heinz Piontek --
Gasco, or the toad / Gunter Grass --
h^otel fraternite / Magnus Enzensberger --
Vices of the modern world / Nicanor Parra, translated by Jorge Elliott --
While the sun still spends his fabulous money ; O now the drenched land wakes ; In judgment of the leaf ; Character of love seen as a search for the lost ; Sea is awash with roses / Kenneth Patchen --
from Kaddish, part IV (O mother) ; To Aunt Rose / Allen Ginsberg --
from Get-away / Robert Nichols --
Big fire at the architectual college / Andrei Voznesensky ; From a talk / Yevgeny Yevtushenko ; New heart / Semyon Kirsanov / edited and translated by Anselm Hollo --
Iron cities ; Volcano is dark ; Death of a Oaxaquenian ; Joseph Conrad ; After publication of Under the volcano / Malcolm Lowry, edited by Earle Birney --
My Alba ; from Siesta in XBalba ; Back on Times Square, dreaming of Times Square / Allen Ginsberg --
Personal poem ; Cornkind ; Ave Maria ; Poem (Lana Turner has collapsed!) / Frank O'Hara --
Winter day ; Voice of earth mediums / Philip Lamantia --
Unhistorical events ; Heavy water blues / Bob Kaufman --
Ah certainty of love in the hand ; Here before the sunrise blue / Janine Pommy-Vega --
This form of life needs sex ; Why is God love, Jack? / Allen Ginsberg --
Part I (As I take up warfare) ; Part II (As a dying man gathers up) / Charles Upton --
9.1.59 : II (then the mailman came) ; 9.1.59 : VI (every silver lining) / Pablo Picasso, translated by Paul Blackburn --
from the Teeth-mother naked at last. Part I (Massive engines lift beautifully) / Robert Bly --
April fool birthday poem for grandpa ; Revolutionary letter #1 (I have just realized that the stakes are myself) / Diane di Prima --
Hymn ; Poem (I demand that the human race) ; How to meditate / Jack Kerouac, edited by Ann Charters --
Dogalypse / Andrei Voznesensky --
Vow ; Elegy for Neal Cassady / Allen Ginsberg --
O god of spring forgive me ; I blink and half my life is over / Pete Winslow --
Picasso visits Braque ; Business of poetry ; Believing in the absurd ; I would not recommend love / Harold Norse --
from Fast speaking woman / Anne Waldman --
Transfiguration ; Headlands ; X L E B / Jack Hirschman --
We rise on sun beams and fall in the night ; from Don't grow old, part V. Father death blues ; Haunting Poe's Baltimore / Allen Ginsberg --
from Sex (Here then is the life-giving activity) ; Thanksgiving (1974) ; Silence ; Silence, 2 / Stefan Brecht --
Snail poem ; Poems from subway to work ; Collaboration : letter to Charlie Chaplin / Peter Orlovsky (with Allen Ginsberg) --
Factory. from Part I (The machines waited for me) ; from Part XIII (Ungag our souls!) / Antler --
Romantic movement ; Time traveler's potlatch / Philip Lamantia --
Plutonian ode. Part I (What new element before us unborn in nature?) / Allen Ginsberg --
Roman evening ; Sex, consolation for misery / Pier Paolo Pasolini, translated by Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Francesca Valente --
(((((Holanditis))))) / Simon Vinkenoog --
Room 5600 / Ernesto Cardenal, translated by Jonathan Cohen --
Age of unhappiness has arrived, or is it ; I'm walking out on Rome / Antonio Porta, translated by Anthony Molino --
Outer limits / Adam Cornford --
Why I choose black men for my lovers / La Loca --
Listen! / Vladimir Mayakovsky, translated by Maria Enzensberger --
Mexican loneliness ; Poem (Anyway the time has come) ; Flies ; Poem (I could become a great grinning host) / Jack Kerouac --
Downpour ; Report on the protest in front of the United States embassy by the Pino Grande movement / Daisy Zamora, translated by Barbara Paschke --
Angel in the deluge ; Conversation in front of a helicopter / Rosario Murillo, translated by Alejandro Murguia --
Scripture of the golden eternity, #1-18 / Jack Kerouac --
Music in the age of iron ; Poem in a motel fan / Alberto Blanco, edited by Juvenal Acosta.