Part I: Into the mouths of babes. Breastfeeding ; Formula for success ; Bottles and nipples ; Going with the flow
Part II: What goes in must come out. To pee or not to pee ; Poop happens ; Other unmentionables and inconveniences ; Spitting up and vomiting
Part III: Activities of daily living. Sleeping like a baby ; Crying ; The art and science of diapering ; Baby bath basics ; Clothing and accessories ; Taking care of yourself
Part IV: Activities of daily learning. Baby brain basics ; Do you understand me now? ; These hands were made for talking ; Fun and games ; Books and babies ; The sounds of music ; Media matters
Part V: Thinking outside of the house. Car safety ; Flying the family-friendly skies ; Choosing child care, insider tips for all those who care
Part VI: Just for the health of it. Finding the right baby doctor, a view from the inside out ; Head to toe and in between ; Fever: trial by fire ; Seeing yellow: jaundice ; Getting to the points: vaccines, your baby and you
Part VII: Thanks for the memories. Birth memories ; Commemorative creations ; Capturing moments along the way ; Sharing the memories.